Submissions to the anti-corruption commissioner

The anti-corruption commissioner normally only acts in response to submissions. Submissions may be made verbally or in writing.

The anti-corruption commissioner accepts verbal submissions during office hours (Tuesdays 11 am - 12 noon). Please arrange an appointment with Ms. Wilshaus if you wish to make a verbal submission.

Written submissions can be sent

  • to the following postal address:
    Anti-corruption commissioner
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal
    Prof. Dr. Kathrin Klamroth
    School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    Gaußstr. 20
    42119 Wuppertal
  • by fax to (0202) 439-3061
  • or by e-mail to antikorruption[at]

You may add your name to your submission or send it anonymously.

Last modified: 18.01.2023